Yuki Chan - Tool x�m nh?p t? d?ng
September 18, 2017
I highly recommend using this tool by using Kali Linux OS By using this tool it means you agree with terms, conditions, and risksBy using this tool you agree that- use for legitimate security testing
- not for crime
- the use of this tool solely for educational reasons only
By using this tool you agree that- You are willing to be charged with criminal or state law applicable by law enforcement officers and government when abused
- the risk is borne by yourself
Thank you and happy pentestChange Log
- Version 1.0
Very First ReleaseFeature
- Automated
- Intel-Gathering
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Security Auditing
- Tracking
- System Enumeration
- Fuzzing
- CMS Auditing
- SSL Security Auditing
- And Off Course This Tool Designed For Targetted Pentesting Too
Modules In Yuki Chan
- Whois domain analyzer
- Nslookup
- Nmap
- TheHarvester
- Metagoofil
- DNSRecon
- Sublist3r
- Wafw00f
- WAFNinja
- XSS Scanner
- WhatWeb
- Spaghetti
- WPscan
- WPscanner
- WPSeku
- Droopescan ( CMS Vulnerability Scanner Wordpress, Joomla, Silverstripe, Drupal, And Moodle)
- SSLScan
- SSLyze
- A2SV
- Dirsearch
ScreenShoot Preview
this is my live pentest off course legal pentesting
Yuki Chan - Tool x�m nh?p t? d?ng
Reviewed by Admn
September 18, 2017
Rating: 5
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