Ph�n t�ch h? so c� nh�n c?a m?t t�i kho?n Twitter
Twitter Metadata Scraper
Ch?c nang c?a tool python n�y l� ph�n t�ch m?t h? so c� nh�n Twitter th�ng qua c�c tweet c?a m�nh b?ng c�ch t�m :
- Ho?t d?ng tweet trung b�nh theo gi? v� theo ng�y trong tu?n
- M�i gi? v� ng�n ng? thi?t l?p cho giao di?n Twitter
- Ngu?n s? d?ng (?ng d?ng di d?ng, tr�nh duy?t web, ...)
- V? tr� d?a l�
- hashtags s? d?ng nhi?u nh?t, ngu?i d�ng tweet nh?t v� ngu?i d�ng nh?c d?n nhi?u nh?t
C�i d?t
Th? nh?t, c?p nh?t c�c API c?a b?n trong file.
B?n s? c?n c�c l?nh sau
$ pip install tweepy ascii_graph tqdm numpy
Linux Ubuntu
sudo python2.7
sudo pip2.7 install tweepy ascii_graph tqdm numpy
python2 -n targetname
S? d?ngusage: [-h] [-l N] -n screen_name [-f FILTER]
[--no-timezone] [--utc-offset UTC_OFFSET]
Analyze a Twitter account activity
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l N, --limit N limit the number of tweets to retreive (default=1000)
-n screen_name, --name screen_name
target screen_name
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
filter by source (ex. -f android will get android
tweets only)
--no-timezone removes the timezone auto-adjustment (default is UTC)
--utc-offset UTC_OFFSET
manually apply a timezone offset (in seconds)DOWNLOAD HERE
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