Vu kh� h?y di?t h�ng lo?t: WMD
��y l� m?t c�ng c? PYTHON suu t?p c�c ph?n m?m b?o m?t CNTT.
Nh?ng ch?c nang c?a n� :
bruteforce | creds | changeme | Default creds scan | Scan IP�s for services and try logging in with default credentials (Arthur: ztgrace) |
bruteforce | loginpath | adminfinder | Admin Finder | A Simple script to find admin-paths for webpages. (Arthur: Spaddex) |
bruteforce | rar | bfrar | BF RAR | Bruteforce a RAR file |
bruteforce | ssh | bfssh | Bruteforce SSH | Bruteforce SSH login |
bruteforce | web | bfweb | Bruteforce weblogin form | Bruteforce a weblogin form with word- and passlist |
bruteforce | zip | bfzip | BF ZIP | Bruteforce a ZIP file |
cracking | aut | john | John the Ripper | As you know � kill the hash |
cracking | hash | hashid | Identify hash | Identify a hash |
cracking | wpa | crackwpa | Crack WPA 4-way handshake | Gather WPA 4-way handshake from accesspoint and crack it |
exploit | browser | browserpwn | Browser Autopwn2 | This module will automatically serve browser exploits (Arthur: sinn3r[at] |
exploit | search | exploitdb | Exploitdb | Shell-style script to search exploits. (Arthur: mattoufoutu) |
sin | mspoofcheck | Spoofcheck email domain | Check if a domain can be spoofed for e.g. emailing | |
monitor | arp | arpmon | ARP monitor alert | Monitor ARP table and alert for changes |
monitor | ip | ipmon | IP monitor alert | Monitor IP�s and alert for changes |
other | settings | settings | Change settings | Change your environment settings, e.g. interface |
pentesting | niptt | sparta | SPARTA | SPARTA is a python GUI application which simplifies network infrastructure penetration testing. |
phishing | ap | etphis | Ewil Twin phishing | Create a Evil Twin and redirect user to fake password page. |
phishing | webpage | webphis | Webpage phishing | Run a local flask server with phishing pages. |
recon | dns | dig | Domain info groper | Using dig command you can query DNS name servers for your DNS lookup related tasks |
recon | dns | dnsmap | dnsmap | DNS Network Mapper. Enumeration and bruteforcing. |
recon | dns | dnsrecon | dnsrecon | Multiple DNS recon abilities. |
router | framework | rsploit | Routersploit | Framework for routers with exploits and getting creds. (Arthur: Reverse Shell Security) |
scan | sin | lanscan | Lan scan | Scan local net � recon |
sniff | aut | apsniff | AP sniff | Create AP and sniff HTTPS and avoid HSTS + Beef |
sniff | http | sniffhttp | Sniff HTTP | Sniff HTTP packages. Extract username and passwords from traffic. |
sniff | sin | bettercap | Bettercap | Bettercap integration for sniffing packets and bypass HSTS and HTTPS |
socialeng | instabot | Instagram bot | Instagram bot for performing various activities (Arthur: LevPasha) | |
spoof | arp | arpspoof | ARP spoof | Spoofing ARP |
sql | sqli | gdsqli | Gdork SQLi | Scrape net for urls and check if they are prone to SQL injection |
sql | sqli | sqlmap | SQLmap | Just an activation of SQLmap. |
system | mac | macc | Macchanger | Change your MAC address |
tools | search | searchht | Search hacktools | Searchengine for hackingtools |
wifi | accesspoint | createap | Create an Accesspoint | Create an Accesspoint |
wifi | wifi | wifiutils | WiFi utils | Utilities for WiFi, e.g. deauth, WiFi�s, clients, probes, etc. |
Tru?c khi ch?y b?n, h�y di?u ch?nh environmentsettings c?a b?n trong core/ config.ini
B?t d?u giao di?n di?u khi?n v?i:
B?t d?u m?t m�-dun duy nh?t:
python3 -m [CALL]
B?t d?u m�y ch? web:
python3 -w
B?t d?u m� kh�ng ki?m tra c�c y�u c?u:
python3 -nc
Ch�c anh em an T?t VUI V? !
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